As legislation around cannabis and hemp loosens, products containing cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) rise in demand. Some of the cannabis-infused products that see the most demand are beverages. Many appreciate THC- and CBD-infused beverages for their potential medicinal benefits. Others drink cannabis …
Read moreBeverage Development
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How Extracts Can Protect Your Beverage from Supply Chain Uncertainty

Environmental and political events, regulatory shifts, and economic pressure will continue to challenge beverage companies’ ability to purchase ingredients and supplies affordably. Re-evaluating which ingredients to use and how much can help keep products on shelves amid sourcing challenges. General Mills recently share…
Read moreBalancing Beverage Formulation Cost, Development Cost, and Time

Managing Your Beverage Formulation Cost You are about to start your beverage development project when you discover that one of your key ingredients won't be available until well after your planned launch date. After some analysis, your formulation team presents you with three options: You can attempt to push back your laun…
Read more11 Natural Energy Drink Ingredients To Watch

The global energy drinks market reached $57 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% between 2022 and 2027. Energy drinks have become a beverage of choice for many people looking for an alternative to coffee. As opportunities within the category grow, beverage companies are looking for more ingredient opt…
Read moreHow Beverage Formulators Are Keeping Things Sweet Without Sugar

Beverage brands, especially those considered functional beverages, are constantly searching for the latest and greatest sweetener – and consumers are drinking it up. According to SPINS data, within the beverage industry, sales of coconut sugar are up +21.1% from last year, sugar alcohols are up +20.6%, stevia is…
Read moreWhy You Need To Invest In A Pilot Run For Your Beverage

You’ve made it from beverage idea to approved commercial formula, and you’re ready to get out there and start selling. But what’s the best way to move forward as you prepare for a full-scale launch and brand growth? There are a lot of factors to consider including your go-to-market strategy, timeline, budget, investors,…
Read more2022 Trends That Will Make Waves In Functional Beverages

“If you aren’t making waves, you aren’t kicking hard enough.” – Unknown There’s no doubt functional beverages are the hottest category in the beverage industry today. This increasingly competitive, complex, and highly technical category requires proactive collaboration across various discip…
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