NapNock energy shot

Client: Nap Nock — Country: The United Kingdom
NapNock energy shot

The Challenge

Our task was to make the strongest energy shot for the EU market. It had to be safe for human consumption, so we had to develop a formula that reduced the risk of possible heart dysfunction and to minimise the crash effect of the energy drink. As the EU market was still missing the potential of energy shots, we had to make the taste acceptable for the target market.


We came up with the idea to use high amounts of Ginkgo Biloba extract to reduce the heart load that caffeine, taurine and other stimulators effect. We worked in cooperation with three huge pharmaceutical research laboratories to find the right components for the maximum boosting power. As the functional ingredients in the drink were extremely bitter and we could not use any sugar, after a rather short experimentation process we came up with the idea of using Green Tea and Lemon to make the taste both acceptable and interesting.

The Result

Energy shots come in 60 ml PET straight bottles. With an incredible history, this is one of the most interesting beverages we have ever worked with. The results were much better than we had expected!